本文首先建立力学系统相对于非惯性系的D Alcmbcrt—Lagrange原理,然后推出非惯性中非完整有势系统新的Maggi型方程。本文得到的这......
The purpose of this research is to show that Foaucault pendulum as well as other Coriolis effects, which are normally st......
We present in this text the research carried out on the dynamic behavior of non-inertial systems, proposing new keys to ......
We investigate the teleportation between two relatively accelerating partners undergoing the phase flip, bit flip and bi......
The new variational principle of Gauss’s form of nonlinear nonholonomicnonpotential system relative to non-inertial ref......
This paper describes the theses that constitute the Theory of Dynamic In-teractions. It is the scientific legacy of its ......